Announcements for Nov. 11

THIS MORNING DURING THE 10:30 SERVICE, Ellen Treadwell is being presented with a bow that she made as part of an archery class.  Roger Thomas teaches archery with a focus on Christian prayer and dedication through his course “S.P.I.R.I.T.T. of H.O.P.E.” (Strength, Purpose, Integrity, Responsibility, Initiative, Trust, Teamwork, Help, Opportunity, Power, Equality).  Ellen made this bow herself after achieving a specific goal that includes hitting the bulls-eye with 4 out of 6 arrows – twice – from 15 yards!  Congratulations, Ellen!

THIS AFTERNOON, STEPHEN KORTE’S Eagle Scout Court of Honor will take place in the Parish Hall. Stephen has worked hard to meet all of the requirements for Eagle Scout and we congratulate him on his achievement!

LIFETOUCH PICTURES: If you elected to have your complimentary 8×10 sent to the church for pick up, the portraits are located in the Canterbury Room. Please pick up your photo (sign the form by your name that you received it).

A VACANCY IN THE FOOD PANTRY on the fourth Wednesdays of the month will be opening up soon. If you are available to fill the vacancy or would like more information, please contact the church office.

THE WEDG (Women’s Ecumenical Dining Group) will be gathering for LUNCH at The Egg and I. Please mark your calendars for
11:30 am on Tuesday, November 13. The Egg and I is located at 455-D Regency Park Drive, O’Fallon, (624-3440), just north of I-64, and just west of Greenmount Road. Please call the office at
233-6320 for reservations (head count). Come for Good Fun, Good Food, and Good Conversation.

A cleaning day is scheduled for Saturday, November 24, 2012, 9am, not November 17, 2012. See Duffy Walters for more details.

SCOUT FOOD DRIVE: The Scouts will hold their annual fall food drive on Saturday, November 17. Help will be needed to sort and box the food, which will begin about 8am in the parish hall. Many hands make the work go faster, so please consider helping with this much needed event! Contact George Evans or the church office for additional information.

A JOINT THANKSGIVING SERVICE will take place on Wednesday, November 21, 2012, 7:00 pm, in the Sanctuary. We’ll be joined by members from St. Mark Lutheran, Peace Lutheran, and Calvary Lutheran.

THE 2013 FLOWER & SANCTUARY LIGHT CHARTS are available on the round bulletin board kiosk in the parish hall. Please indicate if your sponsorship is in honor or memory of the event.

2013 CHURCHMAN’S ORDO KALENDARS are available in the church office for $3.00 each.  

“MARK IN 90” The Gospel of Mark Performed in 90 Minutes: Don’t miss this! On Friday, November 16 at 7:00pm, St. Mark Lutheran Church is proud to host The Reverend Zac Sturm who will perform the entire Gospel of Mark in 90 minutes from memory. A free-will offering will be collected to benefit Lutheran Campus Ministry-St. Louis. Reverend Zac is pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church (Kirkwood, MO) and is a member of the Network of Biblical Storytellers, Int. Pastor Brian says: “There is something incredibly enlightening about hearing the Gospel of Mark in its entirety. Sometimes we miss connections only hearing a few verses once a week over the course of a year. I encourage everyone to attend this performance, and tell your friends and family about it. You won’t be disappointed!”

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